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Elder Focus


The later years can be a time of vitality, purpose and dignity. Some adults, however, experience difficulty with the problems of daily life.

Elder Focus offers a broad range of services for people 60 and over.

Specialists on the Elder Focus Team can meet the unique needs of each older adult struggling with mental health issues or problems with alcohol and other drugs. The team consists of case managers, psychiatrists, and counselors. In-home, short term counseling and peer support are available for homebound older adults and their caregivers.


Counseling and Family Support
Family and individual counseling are available for older adults who want to resolve personal issues/stressors or family problems which may interfere with their enjoyment of life. Counselors are trained to work with older adults experiencing stress, depression, or anxiety associated with adjustment to aging or changes in their health.

If the older adult is unable to come to a North Central location, counselors will go to the person’s home.

Alcohol, Medicine and Older Adults

When some older adults experience loss (the loss of a loved one, for example), they may turn to alcohol or other drugs in an effort to lessen their pain. Elder Focus’ community—based individual counseling, case management, and peer assistance are available to older adults experiencing problems associated with alcohol and drugs (including the abuse of prescription medication).


Elder Abuse Prevention

Elder abuse is a national problem and the number of abused older adults continues to increase. North Central’s Elder Abuse Prevention project is designed to reduce the frequency of abuse by working with older adults, caregivers and health care professionals.

Call a Friend
Help and support are available 24 hours a day to older adults who may feel lonely, neglected or troubled by a difficult family situation. Trained volunteers who answer this line provide caring support and assistance to older adults and those who care for them. The Senior Hotline number is (614) 294-3309.
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